Friday, June 27, 2014

It's all in the Kitchen

Day FIVE of insanity.  Just saying that makes me feel accomplished.  I honestly didn't think when we started this I did the fit test that there was ANY way that I would be able to do this!!  We have now made it through ever workout in the first phase and I am alive and made it through all of them. I am proud to say that I don't even have to stop as often as some of the people in the video!  It's definitely not easy, but it is doable!

Chasidee and I thought that insanity warrented an insane smile!

Today was Pure Cardio and let me tell you! IT WAS PURE CARDIO!! That Junk was BANANAS YO!  In the words of Shaun T (with the languaged censored just a bit) It was seriously intense!!

I realized that the first couple of weeks of Insanity I will probably not loose any pounds.  I decided I am OK with that after finally seeing in pictures what I already knew.
If lean muscle takes up the same space that fat does, it is going to weigh more, a lot more.  That's why the inches are more important.  If you have five lbs of muscle it will take up less space than 5 lbs of fat.  When starting any intense program, espcially a high impact muscle program, the muscle soreness the first week or so, you retain fluid in your muscles to help them heal.  After a few weeks this should subside and the muscle should start ZAPPING the fat away! 

Back to the title of this post, it's all in the kitchen, I've had several people ask me about my diet.  Let me say first of all that loosing weight and being healthy is done in the kitchen.  It doesn't matter how much you exercise if you put junk in your body.  Does that mean that everything I eat is perfect? GOODNESS NO! But it does mean that 95% of what goes in my body is good stuff.  I eat mostly fruits and veggies and mostly raw.  Once a day I eat meat and cooked veggies.  Once a week I have a cheat MEAL.  Not a cheat day like so many people think is OK, but a cheat meal or even just a cheat treat.  The one thing that has changed is that after a cheat or even a slip up I do not think that it is a ruined day or that it is OK to go on a binge or completely get off the train.  I just know that it was one thing and it's time to move on.  It makes my life so much healthier and less stressful to let myself off the hook!  There are a few things that I have eliminated from my diet though:
Peanut Butter- Peanuts are not good for you
Instead I eat almond butter or the new thing I love Cashew Butter:
This stuff is pretty darn good.

I also don't use dairy products at all.  During my first Whole 30 one of the things you give up is dairy.  After the 30 days was up I decided that I have a slight lactose allergy.  Now my whole family drinks unsweetened almond milk and they all like it!  
I eat alot of Kale.  We go through about 3-4 bunches of Kale a week.  

This is another staple in my diet: GREEN TEA!  I drink it hot in the morning and was super excited when I found this tonight!
Now I can drink it cold too!

Anyway, it really is s journey that is accomplished in the kitchen.  Shakology has been my number one staple since I started.  Now I can't go a day without it!  For more information and nutrition tips just ask!  

Check out Shakology and all the Beach Body workout programs at the link above (Beach Body Coach)

Remember to make one new healthy decision tomorrow!

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