Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Biopsies, Cleansing, and Carb Cycling

I haven't blogged in a while and it seems to really get my thoughts together.  Today I had biopsies done on my "lady parts" as Scott so nicely put it.  This is the second time I've had these done and this time was much easier than last.  It was still not a blast.  :)  After some intesne training weeks and the fourth, when I didn't eat my normal foods, I have felt extremely bloated and uncomfortable.  After reading the blogs of different nutrion experts and trainers, I decided to try Jilian Michaels 14 day cleanse.  For the first 7 days (the ones I am on right now) you take detoxing and cleansing supplements and drink ALOT of water.  Let me just tell you, the detoxing sutff, makes you STINK!  Your pee stinks, you are gasy, and your sweat even stinks!  I have showered multiple times a day because of this.  I can already tell a difference, even after 2 days.  My stomach is flatter and I can start to see some of the muscle that has been buried in fluid!  Next week I will be taking a probiotic to add the mutrients back in to my body and "fat blaster" caps.  These are supposed to help with melt the fat that has already been detoxed.  I hope that this will get rid of my bloat in time for school to start.  Doing insanity, I needed to add carbs back in to my life.  I didn't want to just eat a lot of carbs everyday.  I was hungry all the time, so I needed something that would give me a high carb breakfast to keep me full, but that would not be a carb overload everyday.  After some research, I found Carb Cycling.  A healthy eating plan created by Chris and Heidi Powell.  There are multiple plans, but I settled on the Turbo Cycle, which is supposed to accelerate weight loss, while giving you the healthy nutrients your body needs.This is the way it works- You start the week with a low carb day, followed by a second low carb day.  On low carb days you still start the day with a High Carb Breakfast from the Smart Carbs list.  On day three you have a high carb day.  Most of your calories on this day will come from the smart carbs column with veggies and protein.  Days 4 and 5 are back to low carb, Day 6 High Carb, then Day 7 is a Treat Day/Treat Meal with a mix of high and low carb foods.  This has kept me from being hungry all day long.  It also seems to have helped with the soreness some as well.  I think that this will work for me.  We will see what kind of progress I make with it.  If you are interested in any beachbody products like workouts, shakology, or about any of the things I am currently doing, let me know!

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